Saturday, November 10, 2012

Life in Ulaanbaatar - winter is here

We have had the first real snow since we came - actually about  two or three inches.  It sounds like that is about average for a snowfall.  The sidewalks get very slippery - not ice so far - but the marble tiles are extremely slippery with just a tiny dusting of snow.  Most sidewalks are smooth tiles!  I have been happy to find the spots that have not been cleared because then the snow gives a bit of traction.

We had the opportunity to go to Sukhbaatar Square and tour the Government House there.  It was so interesting to have an "English speaking" guide so we could learn some of the details.  There were even some "gold plates" from several centuries ago.  It is amazing to see what a conquest "Chinggis Khan" (apparently they don't call him Gengis Khan any more) made.  Starting this year they are having a National holiday on November 14 to celebrate his birthday!  At one point the Mongolians controlled 1/2 of the world population.

This should become my Motto!!
A tour of the National Museum was great to give us a good background on the history and people of this country.  The clothing has been amazing through the years - some very elaborate and lots pretty plain.  Some of Chinggis Khan's profound advice still has lots of relevance today!

The city is absolutely booming with construction.  It is hard to imagine where all the people will come from (with enough money to afford them) to fill all the apartment buildings that are under construction.  As you can see, there is still a lot of contrast right in the middle of UB(Ulaanbaatar).

The flag raising on Sukhbaatar Square was interesting to watch as the young soldiers in their traditional uniforms raised 6 flags in the cold - it was hard for them to tie the knots with their freezing fingers.

Our Apartment Building is cared for by an "Under the Stair" man.  He literally lives under the front set of stairs - has a small bed (cardboard with a blanket on a little wooden platform) and a hot plate.  We are not sure about bathroom facilities!  He does a great job and is often there to greet us as we come and go.  This night he was cleaning it all out.  He is standing on his bed.

Sign Language Elder

The Church is really growing here in Mongolia.  Our first week there were two women baptized and last week there were 5 baptized from three different branches.  The most touching was a sign language elder who baptized a lady with a hearing impairment.  He grasped her hands in the appropriate way, then she just crossed her arms over her chest while he signed the prayer, then he went ahead and immersed her as usual.  What faithful and devoted people there are here.  A teenage girl was baptized into our branch and already knows so much about the church - she is golden!

Our assignment as English Teachers keeps us busy.  Yesterday one of our sponsors from the Health Sciences University of Ulaanbaatar took us to immigration to get our finger prints and photos taken.  We are getting closer to being officially in the country.

Life is still good and All Is Well.

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