Saturday, November 24, 2012

First trip out of town

This week we had the opportunity to travel 5 hours north to visit the cities of Erdenet and Darkhan.  One of the responsibilities of the Mission Doctor is to check out the Medical facilities in the different places so he could refer missionaries with medical problems to the appropriate place.  It was very interesting.

The Defibrillator in Erdent
From the private hospital in Darkhan

Erdenet is a relatively new city, established in the 1970's when copper mining started.  The hospital came from that era and lacked most of the equipment we take for granted!  In Darkhan we were able to visit a new (9 years old) private hospital.  It had fairly new equipment and they were certainly trying to make it up to date.  We feel blessed to know we have been able to have our great Health Care in Canada all these years!

The trip was beautiful, we had a great Driver, Batbold, who has been a member of the church for about 15 years.  It takes a special talent to drive in Mongolia!!  He is also the person responsible for all the missionary apartments (similar to Croft's new calling).   It felt like we were driving down the I-15 through Montana.  There were mountains on both sides and a big wide valley in between.  There were few buildings and lots of animals, cattle, horses, sheep and goats!  The sky was blue and clear.  Some parts of the road even reminded us of Monida Pass!

Looking out our window at the office.

It dawned on me this week why most of UB is heated by hot water that runs through big pipes underground all over the city.  Their electricity is generated by coal power plants heating water and the by product - hot water - is used to heat the city.  Those plants do not cause too much pollution but all the Gers using coal and wood in little stoves create the biggest part of the problem.  We learned from a girl we met, who is here doing a Post Doctorate in Air Pollution, that UB is the second most polluted city in the world.  She thinks we should wear masks during the evening hours when it is at it's worst!!  

One of the members of our Branch came by this week to give us two big fish he had caught.  Wish we were home to have Karri or Karrin cook them up on the BBQ in Waterton!!

Yesterday we celebrated American Thanksgiving with all the other Senior Couples at the Mission Home.  They found a very expensive Turkey somewhere (they are hard to come by here) and we had all the trimmings to go with it.  We were thinking of all those Americans out there and hoping you didn't spend too much money on Black Friday.

Another great new member of our Branch,
 baptized this week, Elders Woodward and Flint.

We are THANKFUL for all our blessings and specially Family and Friends, the Church and this opportunity to serve in Mongolia.

Life is good and All is Well.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see how well you are doing on your 'adventure' but we miss you at home too! Lynda Noel
