Saturday, October 13, 2012

First Week

We have now finished the first week as real missionaries at the MTC!  We have studied "Preach My Gospel" and had several chances to "practice" on some volunteers from the area.  It was scary to knock on the door and not know what you would face on the other side!
It is a blessing to have a companion who you know and trust.  It takes lots of faith and prayers to figure out what to teach!  The MTC is certainly a place for lots of growth.

Yesterday as a wrap up session, several people shared their feelings about what the week had meant to them.  One little lady who appears to be at least eighty (she is going to serve in a mission office) said she felt that they should have a sign over a door that says "LOVE IS SPOKEN HERE."  It is true - there is a special spirit here and everyone is kind and helpful.  The young elders are always holding the doors for us or carrying our food trays.

Other comments were that as Seniors, "It is time to pay back", we have been richly blessed!  Elder Holland stated "It is time to lengthen our SHUFFLE!"

Some of my thoughts were shared in the talk at Sacrament Meeting before we left, but I will include a few here for the record!

Not a lot of people get to give their "pre-mission" talk in church AFTER being at the MTC.  What a great experience that has been for us.  We have just returned from spending 5 days working directly with two very experienced professors of English and Linguistics at BYU.  They have been helping us learn how best to teach English to the various groups we will be assigned to in Mongolia.

The very first night there - last Sunday - we were able to attend a Fireside.  The young Elder who offered the opening prayer asked Heavenly Father too  "Bless us to overcome the challenges we all face..."  It made me pause to realize that all of us - young or old - have situations in our lives that may cause us concern - we must do the work, prepare, and then leave the rest in Heavenly Father's care.

The main speaker, Tracy Watson, from the missionary department said that in his experience, missionaries ALWAYS wish they had prepared better!  Ben Franklin said "Don't leave until tomorrow what you can do today!"  We really believe that counsel.

My favorite scripture for a few years has been D&C 38:30  "...If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear."

It was absolutely thrilling to hear 2500 young people (and some Older ones) sing with all their hearts "Called to Serve Him" and "Hark All Ye Nations".  One line especially touched me as they sang "chosen by God to serve Him below, to every land and people we'll go".  That was literal as we met missionaries there who were called to serve from Russia to Rome, Africa to Arizona to Australia, Polynesia to the Philippines, Hawaii to Honduras to Halifax and from Florida to Finland.  Not only called to preach and teach the gospel but many called as Temple workers, as accountants, as nurses, and we even met a couple who were called to serve at the Polynesian Cultural Center as a seamstress and a mechanic.  "The field is white and ready to harvest".

I want each of you and especially our Grandchildren to know that as Ralph Waldo Emerson said,
"The future belongs to those who prepare for it".  It is my testimony that our Heavenly Father knows and loves each of us, and wants us to do the very best we can.  Joseph Smith was a remarkable young man who read his scriptures and followed their advice - he was able to restore the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Earth in our day because he was prepared.  We have a living prophet today, Thomas S. Monson who leads and guides us.  He gives us counsel and advice, which, if followed, will help us prepare to return to our Heavenly Father.  The Book of Mormon is true and contains the doctrine of Jesus Christ.  It is my prayer that each of us will work to prepare our lives so that we may do as Nephi said "...I will go and do the things which the Lord has commanded..."


  1. Reading your blog was the best way to end a day! Thanks for sharing. Looks and sounds like you're Livin' the Dream! Love the picture of you two.

  2. Nicely stated! Glad you're having such a great experience! You are truly preparing there for your eternal future. Keep up the good work.

  3. Loved reading your blog. With the announcement at conference, Tyson has got his papers almost ready to go. Our timeline was changed dramatically in the few short moments of the announcement.
